MySugr Diabetes Logbook Review
Keeping a diabetes log is important because it provides you with an easy way to keep track of your blood glucose levels. It can also help you avoid common mistakes during meal times. Your medical team can use the information in your logbook to evaluate your response to treatment.
MySugr Diabetes Logbook is a free app available on iOS and Android. The app allows you to record your food intake, activity, and blood glucose levels. The interface is clean and simple, and it shows trends over time.
The app is designed to sync with several glucose trackers, and you can also record your insulin dosage. The app is ideal for adults, although it can be used by children with moderate knowledge of smart phones.
MySugr Diabetes Logbook uses visual reinforcement and rewards. It also has competition activities and uses a carb logger.
A diabetes logbook can be a lifesaver in the event of hypoglycemia. It helps you to develop habits to counteract the condition. It can also be helpful in preventing type II diabetes.
Using a diabetes logbook can also make traveling less stressful. You'll be more likely to stick to a regular schedule, and you'll be able to find the foods that keep your blood sugar level steady.
You should also remember to take your logbook with you to all your doctor's appointments. It will help you to stay organized, and your medical team will be able to better analyze your progress.